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Invest in Yourself pt. 2

Something that I always say to founders, you are the generator that powers the machine of your business. The more that you invest in your mental, emotional, physical, spiritual health will be directly reflected, proportionally reflected on the growth and success of your business. I’ll give you an example.

If you don’t invest in your communication ability, how successful of a leader do you think you can be? How well do you think you can drive a team? If you don’t work on your reactivity, your anger, how comfortable of a work environment do you think you can make for those working under you? If you don’t work on empathy and compassion, how will you be able to speak to your employees and get them to really understand what it is you’re trying to do and also be able to empathize with their experience so you can make sure to build the working environment and the culture that will motivate them?

Are you taking care of your physical body? Are you drinking enough water? Are you getting enough sleep? So that you can show up with the cognitive abilities to really do your best at work and to really make the best decisions. So your business can go all the way. Sometimes people have a really hard time investing in the success of their company and they don’t put themselves first.

But that only means that you won’t be making the best decisions and you won’t have the mental clarity in order to push yourself and your company and your team members that much further.

So today. Not for yourself, for the success of your business and eventually for yourself. And if you’re interested in me bringing on a mental health professional, either a therapist or a professional coach who can give some practical tips and tricks as to what to do best, let me know in the comments.

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