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Work-Life Balance: Reality or Myth pt. 2

 There’s something that really helps me with this whole work-life balance is being really disciplined with my calendar.

If you actually look at the calendar that’s on my phone from the time of waking up, it’s like wake up, do nothing, visualize, then journal, self-love, pray, and surrender.

This literally is in my calendar. And then it goes to work on my personal goals.

And then I spend some time reflecting. And then I have spent time going over my inbox and getting my day started. Before I get started on my day, I’m like, these are the top three most important things that I need to accomplish. Not only do focusing on those bite-sized accomplishments help you stay focused on what’s most important, but also, That dopamine hit.

So every time you achieve a task, there’s a little feel-good sensation that lets go in your brain. If you can have that built into your daily routine, where you have clear tasks that align with your long-term vision, and you can accomplish them on a regular basis, it will really, really help you to stay focused and stay committed.

Everyone on the team knows that before 12 noon is personal time. After 12 noon is professional time. And Fridays, we don’t work. And Saturday and Sunday, we don’t work. The whole team is offline. Nobody takes meetings. Nobody’s expected to be on Slack. Nobody answers phone calls because if you can recharge and you have the time to have a real personal life, we know that you will show up 10 times better than the professional.

And also it’s a long game. I want to work with people that have a nice life and that are happy. Just imagine, you know, the team member that’s working 24-7, and they’re always crabby and they’re always moody and they’re kind of like pushing you constantly for deliverables? No, I don’t like stress.

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